The Game Overlay device allows you to display text or a button on-screen for players during your game! This will come in handy for all kinds of things, including letting players answer questions from anywhere and displaying key inventory items.

Add Buttons

To add a button to players’ screens in-game, go to the device options and set the Overlay Type to “button.”

Game Overlay Button.png

Adjust the other options as needed to get your button to show up where you want and use wires or channels to activate your button by connecting your Game Overlay device to other devices.

For example, you can use the Game Overlay Device to let students answer questions from anywhere. Read the tutorial to learn more!


Messages and Notifications

The Game Overlay device can help you set up in-game messages and notifications. Just set the Overlay Type to “Text” to show text to players at all times.

Overlay Text.png

Change Visible on Game Start to “No” and connect your Game Overlay Device to other devices to turn Text overlays into notifications that pop up after specific events.

Overlay Not Visible on Start.png

Track Items

Use the Game Overlay device to help players track key inventory items in-game.

Tracked Item - Bait.png

Just go to the device options and set the Overlay Type to “Tracked Item.” From there, you can adjust where the overlay will show up on players’ screens and which item to track.

Game Overlay Options.png